ECC Day 291: “Life is a box of chocolates.”
*Tonight, folks chose a bowl for me; I chose the ingredients.
*Life is a series of choices & adventures, if you choose to see it that way. We choose some things in our life, while other things are out of our control. I agree that we choose how to respond to what comes into our experience.
*Some choices I’ve made: I’ve learned who I am and am true to myself; to be kind and compassionate towards myself & others; I’ve chosen friends from diverse backgrounds since I was a little tyke; I play sports; I attended @hamlineu & @lewisandclarkcollege ; I chose to be a School Counselor & have served in Oregon, Idaho, & California thus far. I made the choice, at sometimes, to be unkind to my sister, mom, & dad.
*I didn’t choose for my parents to get divorced, to like women, to have bouts of depression & anxiety, or for my Dad & Grandpa to become ill & die within 18 days from each other in 2017.
*Chosen & unchosen parts of my story, I’m a more compassionate, patient, forgiving, kind & even more intentionally present & reflective person because of all those experiences. I’m still working to repair those family relationships.
*What type of person do you want to be remembered as?
*What choices will you make with your life’s box of chocolates?
74 days to #ChipInForEducation by donating to the ECC Fundraiser @gofundme OR Thank you!
folks suggested a bowl, I chose that adventure with white rice, 1/2 chicken, 1/2 steak, honey, mild, sour cream, guac, lettuce
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